Living in Space!
This one small word represents so many different galexies and universes.  
Some astronauts spend months, even years in a tiny space shuttle.
This makes us wonder what is it like to live in space?
Click our links to find out more!
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What does a fashion designer go through when creating everyday clothes vs. a scientist designing space suits? At some points of creating the clothing it’s the same; at others it’s different. These three factors are vital in creating them; Conditions; What the clothes have to go through , Regulations; Rules to help make sure the product is the best it can be, Testing
Learn all about SPACE CLOTHING here!

Do you wonder what astronauts eat on the ISS? Is it like what we eat or different?
 You might wonder why astronauts don't just cook food like our parents do.  Well think about this if you tried to make stir-fry it wouldn't work because boiling oil would be drifting into everybody's faces.  That as you can probably imagine would cause a commotion among the astronauts.

One of the earliest space movies was about space  first shown in theaters was French filmmaker George Melies' " A Trip to the Moon", released in 1902. Click here to learn m ore about films about SPACE.



Some astronauts spend months, even years in a tiny space shuttle.   The only thing that can help them manage being so far away from friends, family, and even Earth itself.


Marta (ICSA)
Maddy (HMS)
Naomi (HMS)
Isabel (HMS)
Evelun (HMS)